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Learning a Foreign Language with YUFE

in the upper part of the picture there are logotypes of the universities( from the left: University of Antwerp, university of Cyprus, University of Eastern Finland, University of Rijeka, and NCU University )  In the middle of the picture there is an inscription: Learning a Foreign Language with YUFE, and below it - a name of the course: English for Entrepreneurship
The picture is an illustration to go with a note about the language course:" English for Entrepreneurship" to be published on the UCJO website. photo: /graphics: Kamila Szczepanowska

A foreign language course: English for Entrepreneurship, dedicated to students of business and legal programmes,

has recently started in the NCU University Centre of Foreign Languages.

The Project, co-created by language teachers from the language centres of the YUFE partner universities, has been initiated within the Erasmus + BIP, KA 130 action, which includes short mobility of students and teachers for an intensive course in a blended format of online and oncampus learning and teaching programme. 

Students from the Universities of Antwerp, Rijeka, Cyprus and Toruń will learn business and legal English ininternational teams. 

The first-online module of the course will last from 8 March 2023 till 7 June 2023 and will cover 30 hours of online synchronous sessions, complemented with 30 hours of self-study materials. Classes are run by lecturers of the NCU University Centre of Foreign Languages. The second module, that will include another 30 hours, will be held on the NCU campus from 24 July till 28 July 2023 and will be tought by the lecturers of partner universities (UNIRI,UCY, UEF, UA). 

During their stay in Toruń, students will learn how to pitch their business plan and write a business agreement and get to know about the internship opportunities available through Inno4 YUFE Programme.

Erasmus + Blended Intensive Programmes ( BIP ) is an attractive way to study and learn a new culture, especially for these students who cannot afford longer stay abroad. Last but not least, it is also and a nice opportunity for staff to share their teaching practice.



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