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Lista tematów – język angielski

Egzamin zwalniający na II stopniu


 Wydział  Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych

Kierunek: Pedagogika, Socjologia, Kognitywistyka i Dziennikarstwo

  1. Social Change
  2. Media
  3. Artificial intelligence
  4. Addictions
  5. Disability


Wydział Chemii

  1. Renewable vs non-renewable energy
  2. Modern materials
  3. Plastics – good or evil?
  4. Aspects of testing cosmetics on animals
  5. Aspects of testing drugs on animals
  6. Organic food
  7. Chemistry – pure or applied science?
  8. Nuclear power plants – do we need them?


Wydział Prawa i Administracji

Kierunek: Administracja  

  1. Civil service.
  2. Standards of work in public administration.
  3. Administrative regulations and decisions.
  4. Formal correspondence.
  5. Training and staff development.
  6. Work incentives.
  7. Types of accounting.
  8. Financial statements.
  9. Reporting financial information.


Kierunek: Doradztwo Finansowe

  1. Types of Accounting.
  2. Financial statement.
  3. Reporting financial information.
  4. Formal correspondence.
  5. Training and staff development.
  6. Work incentives.


Wydział Nauk o Polityce i Bezpieczeństwie

  1. CCTV surveillance
  2. Migrants
  3. Compulsory military service
  4. Capital punishment
  5. Youth and violence
  6. Terrorism and extremism
  7. Prison
  8. Nuclear disarmament
  9. Helping poorer countries
  10. Computer data protection


Wydział Nauk Historycznych

  1. Ancient civilizations
  2. The Medieval Era on the British Isles
  3. The Renaissance Period on the British Isles
  4. History and heritage – conserving the past
  5. The power of information – the global flow of information in the contemporary world
  6. Military issues: Modern peacekeeping operations / Military force and terrorism


Wydział Nauk Biologicznych i Weterynaryjnych

Kierunek: Biologia

  1. Quantum biology
  2. Cell and molecular biology
  3. Organismal biology
  4. Ecology and evolution
  5. Biology in culture
  6. Biological hazards
  7. Biological waste
  8. Philosophy of biology


Kierunek: Biotechnologia

  1. Artificial organs
  2. Bioremediation
  3. Biofuels technology
  4. Biosensors
  5. Stem cell and cord blood research
  6. Microarrays
  7. Vaccination and enhancement of immune responses


Kierunek: Diagnostyka molekularna

  1. Biological assays
  2. Anthropometry and auxology
  3. 3D body scanners
  4. Pharmacogenomics
  5. Pathogenomics
  6. Tumor metabolome
  7. Microbiological threats in industry

Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Kierunek: Turystka i  Rekreacja

  1. Trends in tourism – tourism today/ tomorrow’s tourism
  2. Using visuals – describing graphs/charts
  3. Tailoring a package
  4. The impact of tourism
  5. Sustainable tourism
  6. Hotel branding
  7. Events management
  8. Risk/dealing with crisis
  9. Describing a heritage site – talking about architectureWydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej
  10. Cyber security
  11. Space, Astronomy and Space exploration
  12. Robotics
  13. Material of the future
  14. Modern technologies


Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania

Kierunek: Ekonomia

  1. Banking (Banks and financial institutions)
  2. Government and taxation
  3. The business cycle
  4. Corporate social responsibility
  5. Efficiency and employment
  6. Exchange rates


Kierunek: Finanse i Rachunkowość

  1. Banking (Banks and financial institutions)
  2. The subprime crisis
  3. Bonds
  4. Stocks and shares
  5. Accounting and financial statements
  6. Government and Taxation
  7. Exchange rates


Kierunek: Zarządzanie

  1. Logistics
  2. Quality
  3. Banking (Banks and financial institutions)
  4. Market structure and competition
  5. Takeovers
  6. Efficiency and employment


Wydział Teologiczny

Kierunek: Nauki o rodzinie

  1. Parental neglect. Is it enough for a child to have food, clothes, and shelter to grow up healthy?
  2. Divorce and its consequences for all the family members. What can be done to minimalise the negative impact of divorce?
  3. Terminal diseases and palliative care. How to give your family member a good life?
  4. Generation gap. The difference in morals and culture. Is it unavoidable and how to solve the conflicts between generations?
  5. Multicultural families: how do their values get along?
  6. The importance of family support for people with disabilities. How to help a disable member of the family?
  7. Religious conflicts in families: what to do and how to solve them?
  8. Family violence: where is the point of no return?
  9. How to help the members of the dysfunctional families?
  10. Family counseling. Why is it so important?